Contender for Best Title Ever?

I often read by word-of-mouth, taking recommendations from trusted friends and persuasive book reviews. Otherwise, I’m a pedestrian buyer of books. By which I mean, I walk into places – book shops, school fetes, charity fairs – and see what takes my fancy. I judge a book by its cover. By the name of the … Continue reading Contender for Best Title Ever?

Even Without a Plot

Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Gao Xingjian, warned in a postscript to his short story collection: There is no plot, as is found in most fiction. I read a lot of short stories, in anthologies and in collections. I enjoy the form and I usually find some enjoyment in the individual examples. Rarely … Continue reading Even Without a Plot

A further instalment in writers writing about writers writing

Seriously, when I’m deciding on the next book to read, I don’t go searching for novels about writers writing. And yet, so often in the last couple of years these stories just keep turning up. The latest novel to fall in with the theme literally arrived on my doorstep in a box with a bunch … Continue reading A further instalment in writers writing about writers writing

Small Coastal Towns

Remember those compare and contrast essay questions we used to struggle with all through high school? They were a favourite of teachers and I suspect still are. I’ve been forced to think about this form of essay question because by coincidence I just read two short story collections back to back and feel compelled to … Continue reading Small Coastal Towns